Thursday 2 April 2015

Giuliana Rancic responds to her critics who refer to her as "disgustingly thin"

Few days ago, some folks cussed out Guliana for a picture of herself and son she posted online comparing a thin figure to the size of her little boy, they called her unimaginable names (although that is what she does to people on Fashion Police) yes she has responded to the insinuations and here is what she has to say after the cut;

"Some people were saying, 'The cancer is probably back'. And they were accusing me of every eating disorder. I thought to myself, 'God, if someone really thought I had an eating disorder, what a horrible way to approach it.' [However, after continuing the cancer medication], I started noticing that I was eating a lot, but not gaining weight at all. I was concerned. ... I'm sorry that some people think I'm disgustingly skinny, as they put it, but there's nothing I can do. I'm lucky that I even have the type of cancer that reacts to the medicine. ... I look in the mirror and it's hard for me. I am really thin. I want to look fit and beautiful and sexy, and I can't." 

awwwwww poor woman!

1 comment:

Sarah Utufuah said...

Awwwww! That's so unfair, how can anyone say something that horrible to another human?