Friday 20 February 2015

Instant karma: Man who told fellow Tube passenger to go f*** himself gets payback when he turns up for job interview with the same chap just hours later

An impatient commuter probably regretted telling a man to 'f*** himself' on a busy train when he arrived at a job interview later that day to find his fellow passenger was the head of recruitment.

HR executive Matt Buckland claimed the job seeker pushed past him and launched a foul-mouthed tirade as they were both getting off a packed rush-hour train on Monday morning.

He said he stood to one side to let a woman off the train as it pulled into Monument Station in central London, but the job hunter thought he was deliberately standing in the way.

Hours later, the same man walked in for an interview with Mr Buckland at investment firm Forward Partners

'I was on my way into work on the Tube on Monday morning during rush hour. I stood to one side to let a lady get by, and ended up blocking a man momentarily.
'I think he thought I was just standing in his way. He pushed and I turned, I explained I was getting off too but he pushed past and then looked back and suggested I might like to f*** myself…which might have been true but not before a few cups of coffee,' he told Buzzfeed.

Despite the heated exchange, the job seeker did not recognise his interviewer as soon as he arrived.

So Mr Buckland asked him a few tube-related questions until the penny dropped.

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